Rayyan makes it easy for you to work faster using keyboard shortcuts for a wide variety of tasks. In this article, learn how to access, change, and reset the default shortcut keys, and assign shortcuts to Reasons and Labels.
Accessing Keyboard Shortcuts
The keyboard shortcuts are accessible via an icon that you may click to open,
or, simply press the letter V on your keyboard to view the keyboard shortcuts:
Change Keyboard Shortcuts
Rayyan makes it easy to change the default keyboard shortcuts.
1. Select any keyboard shortcut
2. Enter a new shortcut,
3. and press Save.
In the example above, we change the Write Note shortcut default from the letter N to a combination of keys.
Reset Keyboard Shortcuts
To reset keyboard shortcuts, simply open the keyboard shortcut panel, and press Reset Shortcuts in the upper right hand corner.
Assign Shortcuts to Reasons and Labels
A Reason or Label may be assigned a shortcut key. To assign shortcuts to Reasons and Labels, access the Reasons or Labels panel from the Screening page by selecting any reference.
In this example, the space bar is assigned to background article as a shortcut, k is assigned to wrong drug, and b is assigned to wrong outcome. The same process may be repeated for Labels. Please note that in order for a Reason or Label to exist, it must first be created and assigned to a reference. When a Reason or Label is no longer assigned to a reference, it ceases to exist.
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