Use workbench facets/filters
1. After uploading your references, go to the Filters menu in the top-right corner of the review page.
2. Selecting multiple terms inside a single facet will yield an OR function.
3. Selecting terms across facets will yield an AND function (your search results will be further constrained by adding more filters).
4. You can click More >> at the bottom of the facet to see additional terms.
5. You can click on [Clear] to the right of the facet title to clear all the selections inside that facet.
6. You can add new terms by clicking on [Add new] to the right of the facet title. You can remove terms by clicking on the trash icon to the right of the term count.
7. You can see the number of matching references next to each term. The terms in each facet are sorted by that number.
8. You can move workbench facets and reorder them by dragging and dropping the title section.
9. You can minimize a facet by clicking on - icon to the right of the facet title. You can open the facet again by clicking on + icon to the right of the facet title.
Rayyan facets/filters include:
1. Possible Duplicates: Filters articles by duplication status (Unresolved/Deleted/Not duplicates/Resolved).
2. Inclusion decisions: Filters articles by the decisions (Undecided/Maybe/Included/Excluded/Conflict).
3. Decision by: Together with the Inclusion decisions filter, you can filter by decisions made by a specific collaborator (eg. filter by Included and collaborator1 to show the articles that collaborator1 included).
4. Minimum/Maximum collaborator decisions: Filters articles by number of decisions (At least 1/At least 2/At most 0/At most 1 …). This filter is useful when the blind is on (you can't see collaborators decisions) but would like to limit the number of decisions on your references.
5. Search methods: Filters articles by the source of the data.
6. Keywords for include: Filters articles by the listed keywords. These keywords will be highlighted in green while the Highlights are ON.
7. Keywords for exclude: Filters articles by the listed keywords. These keywords will be highlighted in red while the Highlights are ON.
8. Labels: Filters articles by labels. This filter is added only when there is at least one label.
9. Exclusion reasons: Filters articles by exclusion reasons. This filter is added only when there is at least one exclusion reason.
10. Ratings: Enables you to filter by rating after computation. (To learn more about the compute ratings feature, please refer to this help-center article).
11. Sampled Data: Provides the ability to filter by samples created. This allows you to filter and view only the sampled data sets within your review.
12. Topics: Filters articles by topics. This filter is populated by our NLP (natural language processing) and ML (machine learning) algorithms.
13. Locations: Filters articles by locations. This filter is populated by our NLP (natural language processing) and ML (machine learning) algorithms.
14. PDF full-text types: Filters articles by PDF full-text types. This filter is added only when there is at least one uploaded PDF full-text.
15. Abstract languages: Filters articles by abstract languages. Rayyan detects the language of abstract(s) and adds this filter only if there are 2 or more detected languages.
16. Main language: Filters articles by main language. This filter is added only if there are 2 or more languages in the imported reference file.
17. Publication types: Filters articles by publication types. This filter is added only if there are 2 or more publication types in the imported reference file.
18. Journal: Filters articles by journal name. This filter is added only if there are 2 or more journals in the imported reference file.
19. Authors: Filters articles by authors. This filter is added only if there are 2 or more author combination in the imported reference file.
20. Year: Filter articles by year. This filter is added only if there are 2 or more years in the imported reference file.
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- The steps you took leading to the issue.
- The name of your review.
- A screenshot of the error, if possible.
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