The first step is to make sure the references are laid out in a format accepted by Rayyan as outlined here. If so, and you are still getting an error, then your file may be mis-formatted. You've three options:
- Go back to the database from where you got the file and get it again, possibly using a different format.
- Open the file with a reference manager and export it back to one of the formats accepted by Rayyan.
- Edit the file with a text/code editor (Notepad++/VS Code) and correct the errors as needed. Please check the section below for possible issues based on the file format.
Possible issues in CSV files
Next, check that your file is comma (,) separated. If your local settings have the list separator set to semicolon (;), try the following in Excel to save your file as comma separated:
- Select File > Options > Advanced.
- Clear the check box 'Use system settings'.
- Set 'Decimal separator' to a dot (.), and 'Thousands separator' to a comma (,).
- Click OK.
- Export to CSV.
- Select File > Options > Advanced.
- Tick the check box 'Use system settings'.
- Click OK.
Issues with reading CSV file on your PC
The behavior of Excel when opening CSV files heavily depends on the "list separator" that is set in your local settings. If Excel can't read your CSV file properly, open the file in a text editor (eg. Notepad/TextEdit) and check to see what the used delimiter/separator is.
If it's a comma (which is the separator used in CSV files exported from Rayyan), add this on the first line of the CSV file:
Your file will look like the image below. Notice that the existing separator is a comma.
If it's a semicolon, add this:
Your file will look like the image below. Notice that the existing separator is a semicolon.
Then save your CSV file and open it in Excel. This will override system setting ("list separator character") and Excel will read the file correctly.
Possible issues with importing EndNote files to Rayyan
EndNote format requires that each entry starts with %0 tag and ends with a blank line. So each reference should not have any blank lines in between its details, as blank lines would flag the end of an entry and a start of a new one. The parser will then expect it to be followed by a new entry with %0 tag and will throw an error when it's not found.
To troubleshoot errors with EndNote imports, please open your file in a text/code editor (Notepad++/VS Code) and check your file. Delete all blank lines in between any article details.
Note that the error message that Rayyan shows would sometimes include the line or line number that caused the import to fail. You can download a code editor (Notepad++ or VS Code) to view your file with line numbers. Then, you can navigate to the line causing the issue and fix it.
If the error message does not include a specific line number, you can use the divide and conquer approach. Split your file in half and upload each one to Rayyan. The one that fails will have the erroneous record. Split the failed file in half again and upload the two to Rayyan. The half that fails will have the erroneous record. Continue doing so until you reach a file small enough to inspect. This file will contain the record that's throwing the error. Find that record and fix it, then re-upload your references to Rayyan.
Possible issues with importing BibTeX files to Rayyan
BibTeX files should have the first record as @article in order for our reader to validate that it's a valid BibTeX file. If your file does not start with @article, please reorder the references so that the first record is @article.
Another known issue is that the records should have keys (@article{key,). If your records don't have keys, Rayyan will not be able to import them. To find the articles without keys, search for @article{, within your file. Please add a key to each record to import them successfully.
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