Rayyan can help accelerate your systematic reviews in many ways - it's intuitive design and flexible architecture make it very easy to use Rayyan in your existing workflows. Additionally, Rayyan's AI engine can accelerate the process of reviews by organizing them by the likelihood that they'll be included in your review. The .gif below shows how to use this engine.
To use Rayyan's AI systematic literature review engine, follow these steps:
- Make at least 50 inclusion and/or exclusion decisions in your systematic review
- Click Compute Ratings
- Keep working on your systematic review decisions or take a coffee break as Rayyan's Artificial Intelligence engine calculates the likelihood of each article to be included in your literature review (5 stars is most likely)
- Sort your review however you'd like - by least or most likely to be included and get back to work!
- Sign-up today for Rayyan's Intelligent Systematic Review at https://rayyan.ai
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